Last Tuesday Jerett went to the Avera Children's Hospital for a "Sleep Study." Jerett was scheduled for a sleep study because we were trying to figure out why he literally runs in his sleep. It was quite cute when he was a small toddler, Jeremy and I would joke that he was getting tired when he went into "rut." Now that he is older and BIGGER it is not so cute when he leaves bruises on our legs because of the constant kicking. Also, he hasn't been able to learn to sleep alone, because he needs the somebody to kick

against. So usually Joel gets stuck with him.
So Jerett and I arrived there at 8:00pm to check-in to our rooms. They got started right away getting him hooked up to over 30 different wires that were attached to his legs, stomach, chest, ribs, neck, ears, throat, mouth, nose, and head. Jerett's room had a camera that was recording his every move and comment. It was quite an entertaining evening. They said that I could lay with him until he fell asleep and then I needed to quietly exit the room to my room. I did this around 10:00pm and he made it until 12:45am. The nurse came and got me and said that he was calling for me. I laid down beside him for about 10min. and then left again. Around 2:30am the nurse returned to my room laughing that he was "demanding that they get his mom!" They allowed me to sleep the rest of the night with him and they commented on how much better he slept with me next to him.

At 6:00am they started unhooking all of the wires. Jerett was tired and so was I but we made it through. We should know some results within the next week.